Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Tuesday January 19

We had a record 8 skiers turn out today including Ken Featherstone for his 1st ski day with the Dudes. The trails continue to be in excellent condition, 2-3 cm of fresh snow had fallen by the time we completed our ski! We did a 9.5 km loop, heading up Kawartha to Red Fox, bottom 2 photos, then on Fox to Trillium, down Adam Scott to the Laderach Cabin where the remaining photos were taken. Enjoyed a break at Laderach then continued down Adam Scott to Kawartha on which we returned to the Woodfine Chalet. Enjoyed lunch at Honeys. Thanks to Peter Hamley for his photos including inside the cabin from the top: 1)Mike & Peter MacL, 2)Keith & Ian, 3)Barry, Gord & Ken. I have added the photos taken by Keith of Peter & the hill climb.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Tues Jan 12 2010

We had 4 skiers today, Pete MacLoghlin, Peter Hamley, Barry Diceman, & Gord Schmidt. It was another ideal day for skiing as you can see in the photos with a temperature of -10 C. We skied across Beaver to Kenner, 1st 3 photos. Then up Kenner to Wolf, 4th photo. Then down Wolf to Kawartha where we could hear the logging operators. The top 2 photos were taken at the junction of Wolf & Kenner. Skied down Kawartha to the chalet for a distance of 11 km. Enjoyed lunch at Honeys.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Thursday Jan 7 2010

Barry & I skied today in just ideal conditions. We started the day by skiing up Kawartha. The bottom photo was take near the north end of Kawartha, the skiers are Barry & Mary Smith the Deputy Reeve of Smith-Ennismore-Lkfd. From Kawartha we skied up Wolf to Kenner, skied the entire length of Kenner. The section south of the intersection wih Beaver is a lovely mainly downhill run of 2 km. The middle photo, of Barry, was shot on the "big híll" near the southern end of Kenner. We continued on Kawartha to return to the Chalet for a total distance of 13 km. The top photo shows the chalet, note the completed covered deck.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

January 5 2010

We had 5 Dudes turn out for our 1st ski day of 2010. Trail conditions were ideal, with a packed base covered with 4-5 cm of powder snow. Temp was a cool -10 C with a staedy light snow fall. We headed up Kawartha to Red Fox, 1st photo, skied on Red Fox, 2nd photo, to Trillium. Then up to Adam Scott & down to the Laderach cabin, 3rd photo. Enjoyed a snack break at Laderach then headed down Adam Scott, 4th photo of Peter, to Kawartha, 5th(Peter) & 6th (Pete) photos. This section is a nice downhill run of 0.8 km. Headed back on Kawartha where we took a short side trail to the new Jackrabbit cabin which is 1 km from the chalet & provides a neat site for the kids to ski to. We skied a total distance of 10 km finishing the day with lunch at Honey's Diner.