Barry Diceman, Peter Hamley & Pete MacLoghlin skied the 11 km Tanney loop today (only open trails). It was a cool -22 C when we left the Woodfine Chalet, however there was no wind & the sun shone brightly over a clear blue sky so did not feel the cold. We were a bit concerned about the trail conditions as it had rained on Sunday & have not had a significant snowfall so were amazed to find the trails in such good shape. The entire loop had been groomed, there were a few stretches where because of lack of snow the groomer had not been able to set a track mainly on Trillium between Red Fox thru the wood glade to the open area past Adam Scott. The northern loop from Wolf to Kenner & down Kawartha from the Tanney cabin to Wolf & back to Trillium was superb, with good snow cover & fast, the skis glided forever on any downhill sections. Peter Hamley took this photo of Pete & Barry at the junction of Wolf & Trillium to show the conditions
After our ski enjoyed lunch at Honeys. Left click to enlarge the photos
Trillium at Wolf looking north - Thursday Jan 22