Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Spring skiing - 2015

Barry Diceman, Peter Hamley, & Pete MacLoghln skied in ideal conditions on Tuesday March 24 in what may be our last day of skiing this season. The trails had been groomed, snow cover was still good & the sun was shining, just a perfect day to end the skiing for this year. The temperature was -10 C at the start & climbed to -1 C by the end so the snow cover stayed dry. We skied up Trillium to Tanney Cabin then after feeding the chickade continued north to PL, across to Owl down to Kawartha, then across Wolf to Trillium skied to Beaver returning to the Woodfine chalet. Barry & Peter did ski again on Tuesday March 31 while Pete was downhill skiing at Calabogie Peaks. The club closed for the season April 2
                                            Barry on Beaver
                                             Peter on Beaver
                                             Barry on PL
Peter on PL

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Florida Dudes in action

2 photos from our Florida chapter members
                 John Crawford & Bill McKnight’s ball team
  Bill McKnight, Frank Marett, Bob Penny, John Crawford after a bike ride

2015 skiing photos

This year we did not start to ski until early January but once the club opened the skiing has been spectacular. The really cold weather preserved the snow cover because we did not have a big snowfall. George Post took these photos
                                   Barry in action
                                Pete, Barry, & George
                              Winter landscape
Keith, Arndt, George, Pete, & Peter